By passenger ferry (note: scuba tanks are not allowed on the ferry!). The ferry departs from Delfin Dock or from the fountain in the old town. Tickets are available from the café at Delfin Dock.

Enough towel and swimwear. You will get the rest from us.

Safety is our top priority. It goes without saying that we always take oxygen and a first aid kit with us on all diving tours. This ensures that we always have a complete emergency kit on board and that nothing is missing.

Our team is always up to date and well trained in first aid.
An emergency decompression bottle is in the water for deep dives. Current lines are on board for all boat trips.

  • Current fitness to dive or completed medical statement (see appendix)
  • certification
  • logbook

When you arrive, you fill in the registration form and we show you around our base. After that you can start diving.

If you have less than 50 dives in your logbook or have not dived for more than a year, the first dive is a mandatory check dive with one of our guides.

In principle, it is at the discretion of the dive center, regardless of the number of logged dives, which dives we take you on. This is solely for your safety

Our house reef is right in front of the base. You enter via a pebble beach. You sign in to the house reef list directly before your dive and then sign out again. You should be out of the water at least half an hour before the base closes so that we can finish on time.

Sign up on the boat list and be there 30 minutes before departure to assemble the equipment and pack it on the trolley. We push it to the boat together and pack the equipment onto it. On the boat there is a boat briefing including an explanation of the dive site. Oxygen & first aid are always included. The crew is trained for this. We need a printed certificate for this!

The longer the interval between diving and flying, the better (also applies to the journey home over mountain passes!). As a general rule, you should not dive for 24 hours before flying.

We offer diving courses from the age of 10. We offer trial dives for children from the age of 8, but it depends on their height and whether we have suitable equipment. Depending on their age and certification, children are restricted in terms of maximum depth and must be accompanied accordingly.

This basically depends on how you feel, but we recommend



7mm/ dry suit

From October to March







From 26°C: 

3mm/ Shorty

July/August (up to 10m)

Of course! Enter non-divers as snorkelers in a separate line and write non-diver/snorkeler next to it. You only pay for the boat trip. Children under the age of 16 must be supervised by a non-diving adult on the boat, we assume no responsibility!

Never! If you have less than 50 dives in your logbook or have not been diving for more than a year, the first dive is a mandatory check dive with one of our guides. It is at the discretion of the dive center, regardless of the number of logged dives, which dives we take you on. This is for your safety only!

As an OWD you can join us on the house reef and at many dive sites. You can see which sites are suitable on the boat lists or find out from our crew. The depth depends on your age and is max. 20m.

As a Scuba Diver you may only dive under the supervision of a dive professional (DM, assistant instructor, diving instructor) to a maximum depth of 12m. You can dive with them at most dive sites. You may have to book an extra guide for this. You can upgrade from Scuba Diver to Open Water Diver with us.

We generally recommend diving insurance. As with other sports, there are certain risks involved in diving. In the event of a diving accident, this insurance covers the costs. Common providers are aquamed, DAN. You can take out aquamed insurance directly with us at the base with immediate effect.

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