We want to do everything for you to enjoy your diving vacation! Therefore, there are rules in our diving center to which you bind yourself with your signature:
1. diving at the base is only permitted after registration & base briefing with presentation of a valid diving fitness certificate (or completed medical statement) & submission of at least one medical certificate. of a Scuba Diver certification. The logbook must be shown to staff on request.
2. the instructions of the crew must be followed. Rovinj Diving Island exercises domiciliary rights. Gross violations of generally recognized diving safety rules or disregard of the crew’s instructions may be punished with a diving ban and, if necessary, expulsion from the base.
3. diving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is prohibited.
4. a valid diving insurance is obligatory when approaching all wrecks.
5. the diver undertakes to comply with the restrictions specified by his training organization for his training level, in particular depth limits.
6. decompression dives are not permitted, except for divers with appropriate technical training.
7. the diver confirms the use of complete and functional equipment, in particular the use of dive computers.
8. equipment (private & rental) must be put away in the drying room at least 15 minutes before closing time.
9. rental equipment must be treated with care. In the event of loss or damage, the damage must be compensated. First stages must not be immersed in water without cylinder pressure.
10. in the event of a diving accident (including suspected accidents), the base management must be informed immediately. The rescue chain is initiated by the base management. Emergency telephone, oxygen and first aid equipment are available. Any costs incurred for the rescue operation must be borne by the person responsible.
11. entering the office in wet diving suits is not permitted!
12. the current price lists apply.
13 Diving within the harbor entrance is not permitted. Outside the cordoned-off area, a buoy must be carried on the surface.
14. always dive in a buddy team (at least 2).
15. entries in the diving lists are obligatory!